by Zach Lindsey A postclassic Maya temple in Cancún looks to the south, across a road full of microbuses and hot red … [Read More...]

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by Zach Lindsey A postclassic Maya temple in Cancún looks to the south, across a road full of microbuses and hot red … [Read More...]
by George Fery Caves are central to world cultures, used by humans from the dawn of time. They are associated with … [Read More...]
by Lynn Smith Some seven hundred years ago an anonymous author wrote: “To be in Paris, is to be.” How apt those … [Read More...]
Lessons In Environmental & Cultural Preservation by Alice Driver My husband, Isaac Bingham, won a Watson … [Read More...]
British Columbia, Canada by Glen Cowley “Busiest float plane airport in North America,” Captain Bob proclaimed as we … [Read More...]
by Sabina Lohr "Do you want to drive or do you want to walk?" Saed asks, stopping the car. We have arrived at the … [Read More...]
When it comes to the best luxury sites in the world, no place can beat the ethereal charm that Phuket exudes as a … [Read More...]
by Karin Leperi If lewdness, lawlessness, and lynchings could define the character of a town in the … [Read More...]
The Celebration of Victory of Good Over Evil by Susmita Sengupta Durga Puja, the celebration of the victory of the … [Read More...]
Maastricht, The Netherlands by Keith Kellett I was sitting in a café in Maastricht, and was rather intrigued by the … [Read More...]
by Robert Hale This is an interesting anniversary year. The US National Park Idea (America’s Best Idea) is 140 years … [Read More...]
Interesting places to visit in the UAE Luxury, chic and elegance. The unforgettable atmosphere of the UAE. The visitor … [Read More...]
Hi, I’m Robert Scheer, the editor and publisher of Travel Thru History.
I’m a former president of the B.C. chapter of the Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC), as well as a lifetime member and past president of the British Columbia Association of Travel Writers (BCATW).
This website was founded in 2008 by W. Ruth Kozak, and she passed the torch to me in July, 2020.
Find out more about me here.
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